With Davivy you can earn commissions easily, starting at 5% over the product sale price. Our average order value is about $100, so be ready to earn Money all day even sleeping!
Our cookies available in 30 days, this means that if the referred visitor makes a purchase during those 30 days, his purchase will be associated with the referring affiliate.
How it works:
1. Register one of our affiliate program following.(Recommed Shareasale)
2. Send us an email to cs@davivy.com telling how are you planning to promote our products and what is your experience, website or social media.
3. We’ll review your application and approve it.
4. Once you are approved, you can login and get unique url or banners that you can use to promote our products on your social meida or blog.
5. You’ll receive a notification every time a purchase is completed!
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us cs@davivy.com